CSTOYS INTERNATIONAL - CHALLENGE 2019-01-05T10:57:00+09:00 CSTOYS INTERNATIONAL 2019-01-05T10:57:00+09:00 2019-01-05T10:57:44+09:00 [Challenge] #01: 2018 Japan Floods, the beginning Masaki Seike

This is our series of short Vlogs to show and tell you what happened to our country office and the challenges we face. We are working on the renovation of our office there and start our live-streaming shows again from our over 120 years old Japanese farm house. Your support will be much appreciated along the way in hoping one day to have you there as a guest at our country office. 

[About the Japan Flood]
2018 Japan Floods:

[Video Source]
* CNN: Japan floods and landslides kill dozens; millions evacuated:
* CNN: Japan floods: Death toll rises to 200 as UN offers assistance:
* Ehime Shinbun Newspaper Co.: Ehime Heavy Rain Disaster (in Japanese with Pictorial Map) :

]]> 2018-12-30T16:51:00+09:00 2018-12-30T18:18:53+09:00 [CHALLENGE] Renovating Our Country Office after the Floods in Summer of 2018 Masaki Seike The Summer of 2018 will not be forgotten for anyone from Uwajima City area. The city is located in the southern part of Japan, and this area has been heavily suffered from the flood occurred in early July 2018 and washed away many local houses, over 30 people died in the area in the pouring rains and landslides.

To watch how CNN reported this, please visit the following link: 

"Japan floods and landslides kill dozens; millions evacuated @CNNI"
★To learn about what is going now here in Uwajima, please visit here:
"2018 Japan Floods"


Our country office was among the houses damaged from the landslides. And this blog is to report what had happened there and how we have been tackling and facing the challenge to bring back our country office. And this is our sincere hope that we can do the live-streaming show again from our 120 year-old farm house. We will be posting our pictures, videos, and stories we never shared before to let you see how we face the challenge. 

Your comment and suggestions are welcomed along the way we renovate the office. 

Thank you. 


Masaki Seike 

Director of CSTOYS Internatinal






